The smartest way to plan your personal budget.
Our Ai will crunch through your expenses, taxes, debt, goals, and potential risks to help you plan a budget you can trust today and tomorrow.
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The most reliable approach to budgeting.

Get your budget items automatically.

Based on your housing, family, city, and life stage we automatically identify your budget items.
Sample budget with current and benchmark expenses.

Take the guessing out of your budget.

We use your current spending, your city, and the expenses of other people like you to set your target amounts.

Make it reliable and future proof.

Our Ai will crunch through your income, savings, and taxes to show you how your budget will support your future plans.
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Discover other helpful Mogami features.

Quick Checkup

Get a big-picture health assessment of all your finances in under 10 min.

Tax Review

Reduce your tax burden and anticipate your tax refund or payment.

Income Review

Discover your real take home pay and compare with your city’s living wage.

Home Purchase

Calculate your purchase and ownership costs. See how they fit your budget.

What if?

Try different scenarios and see the impact on your finances in 10, 20, 30 years.


Learn what retirement options you have and when you could make it happen.
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Happier financial futures for everyone.

Our mission is to bring simple, comprehensive, and effective financial assistance to everyone. Leveraging machine-learning technology, we significantly lower costs and break from the traditional model of hourly fees, asset minimums, appointments, and financial jargon. Follow your own design, step-by-step, and see your future take shape. Beautifully.
Co-Founder & CEO
Seattle, WA
We give you helpful expense references based on city, income, household, housing, and lifestyle.
Co-Founder & CTO
Mountain View, CA
We give you helpful expense references based on city, income, household, housing, and lifestyle.
UX/UI & Design Lead
Seattle, WA
We give you helpful expense references based on city, income, household, housing, and lifestyle.
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